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WOOCS 2.2.5

Julienne carrots and tuna with zesty garlic vinaigrette


Carrot 1 large
Garlic 1 clove
Tuna(non-oil tuna) 1 can
Olive oil(Oro del Desierto) 3 tablespoon
Vinegar 1 tablespoon
Black pepper As needed
Fresh parsley As needed


1. Peel and julienne a large carrot.
2. Dip the julienned carrots in the boiled water for 10 to 15 second. (Should be crunchy.)
3. Drain off the water from julienned carrots with a strainer.
4. Beat vinegar, salt, pepper, grated garlic and the olive oil (Oro del Desierto) in a bowl.
5. Mix a can of tuna with #4
6. Place julienned carrot in #5
7. Sprinkle fresh parsley on the carrot and tuna. Ready to eat!
*Substitute vinegar with lemon juice if you prefer.

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