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REINA simple recipe Vol. 10『Spring Carrots & Tuna dressed with Yuzu(Citron) pepper and mayo』

Our simple recipe is easy and quick!  Use the extraordinary organic extra virgin olive oil ORO del DESIERTO to add happiness and joy to your dining table!

Our Vol. 10 recipe introduces “Spring carrots and tuna dressed with Yuzu pepper and Mayonnaise”

・Spring carrots 80g
・a can of tuna 70g
・Salt a pinch of salt
・Yuzu pepper 1/2 teaspoon
・Miso paste 1 teaspoon
・Mayonnaise 1 tablespoon
・ORO del DESIERTO – Coupage  1 tablespoon
・Parsley to taste

① Julienne Spring carrots.  Sprinkle salt on the carrots and leave them for a bit.  Drain water  and remove the excess moisture from a can of tuna.
② Place Yuzu pepper, Miso and Mayonnaise in a bowl and mix them well.
③ Remove excess moisture from carrots then add ② to a bowl of tuna and mix them well.  Add ORO del DESIERTO Coupage then mix well.
④ Place on a plate and sprinkle parsley.  That’s it!

Pour the generous amount of ORO del DESIERTO Coupage and stir it in at the end.  The Coupage blends all the flavorful aromas from the bowl.  If you would like to make extra mixture, we encourage you to add the extra virgin olive oil before you serve it so that you can enjoy the aroma and extraordinary flavor from the fresh ORO del DESIERTO Coupage!

※Movie Director:GO IRIE | PRO NONBE

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