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Oro del Desierto olive oils are pressed from from carefully hand-picked olives, chosen for quality and freshness. The olives are pressed at low temperatures, within 4 hours of being picked. All this creates the world’s most prized 0.1% acidity organic olive oil.
Arbequina uses approximately 5 times the normal fruit to produce a mild, delicately sweet flavour.
Picual Olive Oil tastes so heavenly, it won the 2015/2016 Best Olive Oil award from the Olive Japan Contest.
Coupage Olive Oil is created from an artisanal blending of organic olives to create an olive oil that ranks as one of the World’s Best Olive Oils in 2014/2015.
¥ 9,100 (tax included)
SKU: OD_250_2set_Box
Tags: Arbequina, Coupage, GIFTS, Holiday Seasons, Holiday Seasons Gift, Picual, アルベキーナ, エキストラバージン, オリーブオイル, お中元, お歳暮, ギフトセット, クパージュ, ピクアル
Grown in the arrid soil of the Andalusian desert, this low acidity organic olive oil is one of the purest to be found.
Oro del Desierto olive oils are pressed from from carefully hand-picked olives, chosen for quality and freshness. The olives are pressed at low temperatures, within 4 hours of being picked. All this creates the world’s most prized 0.1% acidity organic olive oil. We deliver our olive oil to you directly from Spain.
Arbequina Pressed from 100% organic Arbequina olives, this oil is a light fruity oil with a light golden-yellow color. It’s known for its complex vegetal aroma with hints of ripe tropical fruits, banana, parsley and basil. Its taste is fine and strong with flavors of celery, lettuce and pine nut. Pairs with: Delicate white fish, white meat, and leafy greens.
Picual: Pressed from 100% organic Picual olives, this oil is a medium-intense fruity oil and golden-green in color. Its aroma is strong and well-rounded with fruity notes of ripe tomato and banana enriched with spicy hints of black pepper, mint and oregano. Its taste is robust with harmonious vegetal notes and a definite almond finish. Pairs with: Bitter greens, roasted/grilled vegetables, red meat, cheese, soups.
Coupage: An award-winning, specially-crafted blend of Organic Arbequina, Hojiblanca and Picual olives picked between the end of October and beginning of November. The oils are then stored in 2,000 liter deposits where they are analyzed, then selected in varying quantities, and finally blended by the Master Taster to create a superb olive oil with a limited production. The result is a leafy green and golden oil with a bouquet of freshly cut grass, tomato, green olive with hints of citrus and dried fruits. Its taste is well-balanced and medium to smooth in intensity with a pleasant, slightly spicy aftertaste. Pairs with: Dipping, salads, vegetables, meats & fish.
Weight | 0.151 kg |
Taste |
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